The "Transport @ 3.5 million QUIZ"

Have you read the Transport @ 3.5 million report?

Released late July 2016 the report contains outlines of the future of transport in WA as planned by the Barnett government. 

The Save Our Service team have thoughtfully reviewed the report and find some of the scheme highly quizzical. So much so we have put some answers together to highlight a few of the issues with the scheme.

Keep in mind that apart from a few projects already in planning, none of what's contained in the Transport @ 3.5 million report has been costed so it's all bit of a pipe dream. But it does enlighten you to some of the schemes that the Barnett government has in mind for our State. 

Our quiz is a bit of fun but it also identifies what the Barnett government thinks might be the answers for WA.

  • a car-centric future.
  • with no mass transport.

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Here's our answers to the Transport @ 3.5 million QUIZ. 

Please note that all page references are for the full version of the report: 

Waiting for trains (maybe) until 2050 is not what the residents of Ellenbrook signed up for

Q1. Ellenbrook

According to this new report, when will the Ellenbrook light rail link (promised as fully funded in 2008) be complete?
a. 2009
b. 2025
c. when someone gives birth to the 3.5 millionth person to live in Perth or 2050, whichever comes second.

Answer: 'c'.

In this plan, a "rail spur from Marshall Road to Ellenbrook is being considered in the very long term" (pp6) and the extension of the East Wanneroo Rail Link is considered as a "Stage 3 Ellenbrook spur – beyond 3.5 million" project (pp15). But residents will get to ride on really fast buses (also pp15).

3.5million or 2050 is the target for when this plan becomes reality...or does it?

Q2. Why not include the regions?

Where does the government think 3.5 million people will be living and working in WA?
a. All in Perth
b. None in Ellenbrook
c. Certainly none in the regions, heaven forbid.

Answer: 'a'. And a bit of 'b'. But never 'c'.

While the plan is to create "activity centres" (we think that's a new name for 'the shops'), there is little view to expanding regional networks to develop commuting options for high speed rail to major population hubs out of the Perth region. Unless you are freight. Then the report is all over you. We think that if you're going to go to the trouble to project for the future, include the regions.

A disproportionate emphasis on high speed buses forms the spine of this report

Q3. On the buses

What mode of transport does this report really love?
a. buses
b. buses that are fast
c. really fast buses

Answer: 'b' and 'c'.

The report is filled with buses. There is even a very cool acronym for them: BRT for Bus Rapid Transit. The report is also a fan of tunnels and bridges. Lots and lots of them as well.

The Perth Freight Link is certainly a favourite of the Barnett government. We have to ask why?

Q4. The Perth Freight Link is a dead cert.

Which road is DEFINITELY happening despite lack of public support?
a. The Perth Rail Link/Roe8

Answer: Yep. The answer is always 'a' (pp7).

This project is rife with controversy, is hated by locals, environmental groups and futurists but somehow is going to get signed off despite the furore. 

Climate change is one of the hugest challenges we face. The lack of exploration of implications of environmental impacts is disturbing.

Q5. Climate Change

How often does the term "climate change" appear in this report?
a. One
b. Two
c. 27 times (yes, we're having a lend).

Answer: 'b'.

But this is a bit of a trick question as it appears in the body of the report only once but also once in the footnotes, so the answer is really 'a'.

Transport @ 3.5million - read the report here

With the release of Transport @ 3.5 million, the Barnett government seems to have a lot of imagination but few practical strategies for implementing even the transport options it took to the 2008 election, let alone 2013.

Download [email protected] (Full report) here (2.4MB)

Download [email protected] (Summary) here (1.3MB)

Download [email protected] (FAQ) here (107kb)


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