Save Our Water Save Our Future

Privatising our drinking water is the wrong solution to Colin Barnett's debt problem. Our water future is too important to risk. 

If you haven't done so already, please sign or share Kylie's petition here.  If you wish to be kept up to date on this campaign, sign up for our alerts here.


Late last year Barnett sold off to the private sector the construction arm of the Water Corporation - that's those who actually build our vital water infrastructure. Recent news about the sale has uncovered that it resulted in barely $2 million in profit for the State. When we also find out that Water Corp chairman Eva Skira is a director with the company that purchased the division, we have to question the huge conflict of interest here. If according to the Minister for Water, Mia Davies, the decision to sell the division "was not about making a profit,” what WAS it about?


Even more recently, Prime Minister Turnbull has threatened to cuts GST grants to WA is we don't privatise or sell off even more public assets. On 19 February in The West Australian, Premier Barnnet again raised the issue of debt and privatisation.

Watch our latest Save Our Water Save Our Future campaign video:

Can you help us get our message out?  Just $10 will put this ad before 1,300 West Australians.  You can donate here.

This campaign opposing water privatisation is a joint effort by Save Our Services and Save Our Water.

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